Ah, well, that is one way to gain attention!
i could go on and on about my personal journey over the last 2 years or so, but i don't need to.
everything i needed to hear to finally lay my doubts to rest happened on one meeting night.
it could only be divine providence.
Ah, well, that is one way to gain attention!
the above will explain how so many awful people and organizations can look ok on internet searches.. when judging reviews on the internet, i always read the most negative first.
then, i ask myself, "is this opinion really a deal breaker?
There are a lot of internet scams operating out of Nigeria, similar to the one you just mentioned.
Another common internet scam is "Lottery" that "you have just won":
- only with one slight problem, it is going to cost you several thousand Euros to "release the prize." Goodbye, of course, to your several thousand Euros if you are fool enough to get sucked in!
Despite the prevalence of these two internet swindles, people still fall for them all the time.
a friend of mine recently had his co visit and in the elders meeting the co out-right asked the question: how are the friends doing in your cong.
as regards pursuing higher education?
the co continued...you know in view of all the counsel from the slave regarding the dangers.
No need to apologise - my thoughts exactly!
a friend of mine recently had his co visit and in the elders meeting the co out-right asked the question: how are the friends doing in your cong.
as regards pursuing higher education?
the co continued...you know in view of all the counsel from the slave regarding the dangers.
The WTBTS policy has changed considerably since 1992 .....
w92 11/1 pp. 19-20 pars. 16-17 Education With a Purpose ***
There was a brief period of respite in the early 1990s. It didn't last very long, though.
Oh the folly of letting the whims of eight old powerfreaks in NY make your decisions for you!
i've seldomly seen it happen.
they practically have to cheat on their wife or something before anything can be done.
the "brother" can act like a total dick, show favortism towards others (especially includes appointed certain brother they like as elder and ones they don't like they ignore them no matter how well they qualify), selectively enforce rules on certain ones and ignore them when their buddies are involved.
As long as the "Hours" column on his Monthly Field Service report form consistently reads 10 (or greater) , then he is fairly safe - no matter what.
A different matter, though, should it ever start to read less!
underlining is mine.. march 6, 2012 letter.
pursue divine education:some of our brothers are pursuing higher education, feeling that they can acquire a measure of financial security.
as you are aware, the educational system varies from country to country.
-As I have often stated under different circumstances: - it's nothing a plus of gelignite wouldn't fix!
so, harold camping has died at the age of 92. no more end of the world predictions from him.
he apparently went into hiding after his last predictions didn't come true..
I know that this is digressing a little , but that Wikipedia article on Armstrong makes no mention of any connection with the JWs?
let's have the ultimate discussion on "higher education.
" let's talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
education is not important because one can achieve anything one can set one's heart and mind on.
More and more in the field that I work in, I see academic qualifications being placed ahead of practical experience and demonstrated ability. That is why I have recently gone to the trouble and expense of enrolling on the Advanced Diploma course. (Incidentally, when my father was the same age as I am now, he was getting ready to retire in 12 months time , rather than upskilling for another 5 - 10 years of work. But then again he wasn't one of that generation who were facing the "fact" that they were "never going to die in this system."!)
Being just a busted-@ $ $ electrician - albeit one with extensive industry experience - was enough to get me into my present job. At that stage, all they were interested in was finding a person who could resolve the issues they were having with their emergency generators. To stay where I am, though, I am going to have to gain some formal qualifications that are acceptable to the Institute of Engineers.
OTHERWISE: .......... I could be back replacing lightbulbs at the local meat processing plant!
so, harold camping has died at the age of 92. no more end of the world predictions from him.
he apparently went into hiding after his last predictions didn't come true..
Can't say I am exactly sorry to hear that news!
underlining is mine.. march 6, 2012 letter.
pursue divine education:some of our brothers are pursuing higher education, feeling that they can acquire a measure of financial security.
as you are aware, the educational system varies from country to country.
There is nothing like the "I have got mine, but you are not allowed to have yours" attitude, is there!